Public consultation on the proposed amendments to the Gene Technology Act 2000

We are pleased to announce consultation on the proposed amendments to the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act) opens today, 13 September 2024.

You are invited to provide feedback on the Exposure Draft of the Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2024 which will implement recommendations of the Third Review (the Review) of the National Gene Technology Scheme (the Scheme).

The consultation will close 8 November 2024 (AEDT).

Your consultation response should be provided via the survey in the Consultation Hub. Where possible, reasoning and supporting information should be included. This will ensure that your feedback can be considered against the relevant proposed amendments. 

Prior to providing feedback, we extend an invitation to attend an online information session through registering for the event outlined below: 

Webinar:             Information session on proposed amendments to the Gene Technology Act 2000

Day and date:    Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Time:                   12:30pm – 1:30pm AEST

Description:       The information session will include a presentation on the draft Bill to provide all interested parties with insight into the proposed changes.

                             Time permitting there will be question session towards the end of the information session.

Please note, the information session will be recorded and made available through the National Gene Technology Scheme website. 



All enquires related to the consultation on the proposed amendments to the Act and the information session are to be directed to[email protected] or by calling on +61 (2) 6289 2033.